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Catalog *.* 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
A Vampyre Story
Cette page en Français   Genre : Adventure  
Last update: 02/12/2012   Year : 2008  
Source: PC Savegames  Franchise : - 


1: Find the key in the gargoyle
44.5 kb
2: Statue ready to fall
37.8 kb
3: Fountain stopped flooding
43.7 kb
4: Gargoyle identified
45.5 kb
5: Hinges of the pot are loose
40.4 kb
6: Combination lock sequence completed
43.9 kb
7: Clothespin obtained
38.8 kb
8: Rufus smashed
38.5 kb
9: A cross oars problem
40.8 kb
10: Decrypt Shrowdy code
41.6 kb
11: Pyewacket eats
46.0 kb
12: Levers repaired in the theater
40.6 kb
13: The rats raid to the kitchen
46.0 kb
14: A secret passage in the library
45.7 kb
15: The book of shrowds
44.1 kb
16: First ingredient for the golem spell
36.5 kb
17: Got Rufus breath
40.8 kb
18: All 3 beakers are ready
45.2 kb
19: Formula worked
45.9 kb
20: The nun ghost
41.9 kb
21: Potion for golem creation done
44.4 kb
22: Ready for Golem action
44.7 kb
23: Inky is blocking the way
31.2 kb
24: The lake shore
41.2 kb
25: Meeting with Madame Strigoï
41.6 kb
26: Mona's first bite
41.2 kb
27: Got rid of the garlic
46.4 kb
28: Down the well
43.1 kb
29: Got the horse
47.6 kb
30: The shop
44.6 kb
31: Inside the stadium
45.4 kb
32: Constable Bud is out
42.4 kb
33: Time for a lullaby
44.3 kb
34: Inside the chimney
38.3 kb
35: Bruno's bitten
45.3 kb
36: Trapped in the graveyard office
47.1 kb
37: Out of the office
47.2 kb
38: Stuck in the cemetery
45.1 kb
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File size : 1.57 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : A Vampyre Story\game\assets\scripts\
Language : English
Difficulty level : By default
Version of the game : Patch #1
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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