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Fallout 3
Cette page en Français   Genre : Role-Playing Game  
Last update: 04/24/2014   Year : 2008  
Source: Chordian  Franchise : Fallout  


1: Vault 101
387 kb
2: Vault 101
448 kb
3: Vault 101 Entrance
352 kb
4: The Capital Wasteland
459 kb
5: Megaton
572 kb
6: Megaton
534 kb
7: The Capital Wasteland
603 kb
8: Marigold Station
744 kb
9: Farragut West Station
747 kb
10: Galaxy News Radio
760 kb
11: Big Town
930 kb
12: Rivet City
851 kb
13: Jefferson Museum and Gift Shop
944 kb
14: Anacostia Crossing Station
931 kb
15: Museum of Technology Atrium
977 kb
16: Megaton
995 kb
17: The National Archives
1.01 Mb
18: The National Archives
1.06 Mb
19: Underworld Concourse
1.05 Mb
20: Our Lady of Hope Hospital
1.02 Mb
21: Statesman Hotel Roof
1.13 Mb
22: Reilly's Rangers Compound
1.21 Mb
23: Arlington Public Library Lobby
1.31 Mb
24: Broken Bow
1.31 Mb
25: The Capital Wasteland
1.36 Mb
26: Oasis
1.54 Mb
27: Sunken Chambers
1.51 Mb
28: RobCo Factory Floor
1.53 Mb
29: Warrington Tunnels
1.60 Mb
30: Vault 112
1.59 Mb
31: Taft Tunnels
1.60 Mb
32: The Citadel Courtyard
1.75 Mb
33: Lamplight Caverns
1.67 Mb
34: Test Labs
1.78 Mb
35: Raven Rock - Level 3
1.84 Mb
36: Raven Rock - Control Room
1.77 Mb
37: Citadel - Laboratory
1.80 Mb
38: Jefferson Museum and Gift Shop
1.78 Mb
39: Jefferson Museum and Gift Shop
1.87 Mb
40: Citadel - B Ring
1.86 Mb
41: Vault 106 Entrance
1.90 Mb
42: Temple Of The Union
2.16 Mb
43: Megaton
2.15 Mb
44: Eternal Light Monastery
2.15 Mb
45: Holding Cells
2.16 Mb
46: Engineering Core
2.23 Mb
47: Engineering Core
2.25 Mb
48: Observation Deck
2.23 Mb
49: The Capital Wasteland
2.58 Mb
50: Outcast Outpost
2.72 Mb
51: Outcast Outpost
2.78 Mb
52: Command Tent
2.84 Mb
53: Anchorage
2.98 Mb
54: Anchorage
2.96 Mb
55: Anchorage
2.96 Mb
56: Megaton
2.88 Mb
57: Megaton
2.99 Mb
58: Adams Air Force Base
3.15 Mb
59: Mobile Base Crawler
3.30 Mb
60: Megaton
3.29 Mb
61: Vault-Tec Guest Relations
3.30 Mb
62: Vault 92
3.24 Mb
63: Pitt Tunnel
3.33 Mb
64: The Pitt
3.30 Mb
65: Downtown
3.30 Mb
66: Point Lookout
3.47 Mb
67: SSN-37-1A
3.65 Mb
68: Chinese Intelligence Bunker
3.72 Mb
69: Bog Entrance
3.67 Mb
70: Point Lookout
3.77 Mb
71: Point Lookout
3.79 Mb
72: Point Lookout
3.82 Mb
73: Coastal Grotto
3.96 Mb
74: The Capital Wasteland
3.88 Mb
75: Paradise Falls
3.94 Mb
76: Takoma Park
4.41 Mb
77: Capitol Building West Entrance
4.57 Mb
78: My Megaton House
4.70 Mb
Download all the savegames
File size : 168 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : Fallout3\Saves\
Language : English
Difficulty level : -
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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